Day 2: The Boston Marothon

This the 2 day of the Boston Marothon if you are reading this first go ahead to read the first one I rote.  It was April 16 and there was a baseball game  but no one was feeling good as they started at the FBI headquarters where they have stayed awake all night watching videos of looking for person who did the bombs.  then they started asking people if they have any videos or pictures will help.  And there was a person that was taking pictures of his friends.  And when they zommed in the picture and they saw a BOMB!!!  They saw a person on a white hat and in a video they saw him also so they found him they got happy.  They saw in the video he hade a backpack and a phone in his hand and that he leand and put the backpack down so they new the backpack had the bomb.   And they went all the way back to see if he was with someone else and he was he was with a man with a black hat.  And then more than 300 police and FBI where on the hunt.  They used a machine that can use pictures and find the suspects but they got nothing.  And the people that caused this were not killed in the bombing.  And that is it I will keep you posted BYE!!!

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